A goodly number of Unitarians and other friends gathered in our Meeting House on a beautiful sunny afternoon, to witness the dedication of our new building. The pictures below tell the story …
The inside of the building had been thoroughly cleaned and tidied, the chairs were set out and the flowers in their vases.
The Dedication Service itself started at 2.00 pm, and was led by our minister, Rev. Sue Woolley. The congregation sang beautifully, and we were happy to start with hymn no. 172 All Are Welcome Here, written by our former minister, Peter Galbraith.
Greetings were brought by Derek McAuley, Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches, and Jane Couper, President of the Midland Unitarian Association. Gavin Lloyd read out some encouraging words from Rev. Peter Hewis, who was unable to attend.
Afterwards, we enjoyed a splendid buffet, provided by the staff of Elsie’s Café, including a special fruit cake decorated with our Unitarian chalice symbol. It was a memorable occasion.